I've now done some 500+ miles on rivers and canals since I got my first packraft in February - time to review some kit...
But first a recommendation:
https://inflatablekayaksandpackrafts.com/ - Chris' website is treasure trove of info and reviews...
My Anfibio Rebel 2K came well recommended and arrived one week after ordering. I chose the model with cargo zips since I wanted the deck space for a cycle. Btw
@FOX160 - the cargo zip works well - no regrets. The Rebel arrived with a spray deck which I hadn't orderd (or paid for) but its actually been quite useful, keeping me warm for hours on the water during the cold period and me getting the hang of kayak style paddling (I never kayaked before, only canoes and dinghy ocean sailing as a kid). But the spraydeck isn't really in the way and the extra bulk and weight are neglectable.
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The cycle / packraft combi saved my sanity during lockdown (both activities being permissable) and the rebel 2k took the cycle with ease (its a full size 27" wheel folding cycle).
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And not even in the way of paddle...
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The downside of loading a cycle: Locks can be a pain and so are high banks - best to do some scouting and check out what kind of portage awaits you (the ones with roller ramps are usually ok). I wouldn't recommend canal locks with a cycle.
2 mods - its worth increasing the rebel 2k seat hight to size (10cm for me). And I put a cut-off CF mat piece on the floor back in february to keep the wintery cold from creeping up which also made cleaning easier (especially the smaller rivers can be quite muddy). Overall, packrafting beats SUPs and the folding origami canoe I bought last years (now sold on). After 4 month of regular use, I feel similary motivated as having a nice big mountain above me - something I can do every day if weather and time allow (unlike cycling which is more of an occasional "feel like")
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So far, I got up to 14 mile day trips with the Rebel 2K (determined by accessible train stations to hike from and to) but the speed limits the range.
Reading up some more, I ordered a MSR Nomad S1 D. The nomad is about 25% faster due to the narrower shape, centre seating position, and extra lenght, and thereby more suitable for canals, longer journeys and multi day trips, and for taking 2 little girls instead of 1. Obviously not as handy for carrying so I'm keeping the Rebel 2K. No cargo zips for the Nomad as there is plenty of space for gear.
First impressions:
Haven't tried the 2 girls yet but the Nomad is definietly better suited for canals - actually a little faster than narrow boats (no traffic coming up from behind...!). The Nomad also feels less of a target for head wind (lower and narrower profile perhaps?). And MSR got the seat right - perfect hight and surprisingly solid backrest.
But...: not as cute looking as the rebel 2k and the deck is quite shiny (I expect I'll get used to that) and not the greatest colours either but visibility is quite essential on the Thames.
But its only been some 50 miles so far so more later...
A cup of coffee after the rain...
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And I tried my hands on a first ever video - quite basic but hey...! Not sharing location in a public space beyond "Surrey" but message me for details if your interested...
EDIT: The "embedding" doesn't seem to work so I use a link:
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