Whats in the bag thread?


Section Hiker
So couldn't find one,

Is there a what's in the bag/pack weight bag

Being so serious about being ultra light I'd love to know everyone's kit list.


Thru Hiker
I've not done a new list in a while, but I'm usually a hair under 4kg dry. Ordering a new quilt might put me just over that for my April trip as my current Hammock gear quilt is very under filled and therefore very light.


Thru Hiker
My non-'elite ultralighter' overnighter last week was about 7.5kg baseweight. Would have been more but a lot of the 'carried' was 'worn'


Thru Hiker
I believe if you’re just starting you’re allowed to weigh your pack when you get back taking out all the things you didn’t use. That’s worked for me for almost 50 years! 😂
Today i didn't use ski mask and balaclava, also didn't use hardshell pants and chemical warmers, also my down jacket didn't have much use, since i didn't stop. That's 2 kilo of weight. Surely i should take them out and just peacefully die on the mountain if cyclone hits. Should've also left snowshoes at home, since earlybirds at high refuge started at 5 am and made a very neat trail in a chest deep snow, though when coming down snowdrift erased any signs of it.

Lessons learned! I will be closer to "elite ultralighter" next trip.